Wednesday 23 April 2014


Lord Bendtner Celebrating his 43rd goal for Arsenal in style

Lord Bendtner (26) is a “Very famous and Talented” Danish footballer who won the PFA Footballer of the year award for the year 2012-2013 season, scoring a stunning 43 goals in the Premier league for Arsenal.

He is quoted as one of the best players in the world by Bendtner who is also apparently one of the best in the world.

His new transfiguration made him look like one of his fans,… er... some Zletaan Iebramhowitch.

This actually made his fans go wild as one of the fans below wanted Bendtner to try out his hairstyle.

Ben Kingley:"Please @Bendtner@PaddyPower have my hairstyle"

Now Bendtner finds himself out of contract come the end of this season and when asked about how he was handling the situation he was reportedly quoted saying “ I am the best in the world “.

Recent reports point out that the “Record Breaking” Manchester United manager Sir David Moyes has had recent talks with Bendtner’s agent and is close to offer a contract believed to be in the range of £300,000 a week.

Manchester United legend Van Pursey has made it clear about his views on this offer for Bendtner and is eager to make a transfer request as he is scared of losing his starting position in the squad.

“ I’ve spoken to the coach and the little boy inside me told to quit”

Arsenal fans are scared to death of losing their top player to a rival but not their manager as now that he has “Yoyo Sang-YO” in his squad.

Bendtner is world class, but Yoyo is top top class. Can we win the premier league with Yoyo? Definitely!!”

Meanwhile Sir David Moyes has been sacked from his current job as Manchester United's coach. It was later then reported that Moyes has bragged about his recent records to Glazers who were afraid of United becoming a top team under Sir Moyes and have reportedly fired him.

All indications look favorable for Arsenal and United to win the league next season with the strong team built by Sir David Moyes this season. Guess that's why the celebrations from United fans.

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